Monday, December 22, 2008


Today was the first day all winter that I actually went and played in the snow.... without being forced to!!! haha the other day at school we all got in a snowball fight and I ended up with snow down my shirt, jordyn missing her glasses... and well... all of us soaking wet. But today me and Hailee and Cassidy went and played in the snow.. there was plenty of it considering it snowed all day. All in all i think we ended up with a foot and a half or MORE of snow... it was SoOOOOO much fun! I was trying to make a snow angel but no one would help me up so there is a big foot print on my angels boob... and hailee sat on my snowman... and then while i was making my igloo... my dad roped me in to shoveling the driveway :(.....
but thats ok
im warm now :D

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